Adrian Blanco Apps

Materialist (Todo List) 1.0.2
Adrian Blanco
Materialist is a minimalist todo list formanaging your tasks. It's free, has no ads and uses MaterialDesign.How is Materialist different from any other todo list? Many todolists are either overly complicated or leave the user feelingwithout control. This app has been created to provide a simple,minimalist and intuitive experience that's in the way as little aspossible.GitHub:
Lightly Night Mode 1.0.2
Adrian Blanco
Night mode and screen dimmer, helping you sleep at night.
Cheddar for Hacker News 2.0.1
Adrian Blanco
Lightweight, open source reader for Hacker News.
Flexer - Flex time tracker 1.0
Adrian Blanco
App for tracking your flex time day to day.
FastBrush - Ink Painting
Adrian Blanco
FastBrush is a state of the art implementation for real timebrushsimulation for Android using OpenGL. It both achievesunprecedenteddetail of results and is lightweight enough to beimplemented formobile devices. It uses multidimensional data drivenmodeling tocreate a deformation table, which enables calculatingthe physicsof the brush deformations in constant time for theentire brush,and thus the physics calculation overhead of a largenumber ofbristles becomes negligible. The final result of thissystem hasfar higher detail than available consumer paintingapplications. Apaintbrush has up to a thousand bristles, whileAdobe Photoshop isonly able to simulate up to 10% of that amount inreal-time,FastBrush is able to capture the full fidelity of a brushwith upto a thousand bristles in real-time on consumer mobiledevices.This work is part of my master thesis in Computer Scienceat KTHRoyal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm, Sweden.